Tuesday 28 May 2024

An update on CDC events in 2022 & 2023.

 An update on our CDC reenactment events in 2022 & 2023.

I have realised that it is nearly two years since I last made a post on this blog.  Time flies! I haven’t been doing a great deal of Civil Defence Corps re-enactment during the year, just three events plus one the year before.

Our setup, conveniently under a Victor nuclear bomber 
(albiet one that was converted to a tanker later in its career).

Just to keep me on my toes, the 4 minute warning was just next to me.

 Way back in October 2022, I was at the RAF Museum Cosford, to take part in the National Cold War Exhibition event for the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The two day event brought together several re-enactors with displays covering the Civil Defence Corps, Royal Observer Corps and RAF aircrews from the 1960s.

There was also a simulation of the Crisis in which the public could make the decisions that could de-escalate the situation or lead to World War Three. Unfortunately, out of 40+ sessions during the weekend, only two avoided Armageddon!


On 21st May 2023, we, once again, had the pleasure of attending the National Emergency Services Museum’s 999 Family Fun Day at The Moors shopping centre in Sheffield. It was well attended as usual and rather hot so my nice black serge blouse got discarded quickly.

A minimalist CDC display as the site is small. 

Down in the Hole. 

On  23rd September 2023, there was an open day at the Buckminster Royal Observer Corps post. I only took a few things along and we had around 25 visitors which was more than we expected for a liitle event.


Our spot in the hanger at Newhaven Fort.

I went down to Newhaven Fort on 15th October 2023 to meet up with some members of "Civil Defence Corps - South East. At some point, we are hoping to larger joint events - looking forwards to that! The fort is closed for renovation in 2024 but has already asked both groups back to do something when it re-opens.

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